Friday, April 2, 2010

Thinking of the Cross

It has been a very busy week for us as we continue the process of transition. I, or perhaps I should say "we," are beginning to feel a sense of relief and excitement as the day for our return to Munich draws closer. Today of course is the day we traditionally observe as "Good Friday." Today I, like many of you, am thinking of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I thought about it today I was reminded of I Peter 3:18, "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous that he might bring us to God."

John Piper in his book God in the Gospel encouraged me to remember that Good Friday is not simply about God forgiving our sins and getting us to Heaven, but about getting us to God, to know a personal and real relationship with Him, to continually grow in our knowledge of Him and His Glory in Christ Jesus. When we realize the wonderful privilege of knowing such a reconciliation, we can truly and freely enjoy our relationship with Him and live with hope now and for the future. Our Lord gave Himself for us on the Cross so that all who believe are brought to God and His Glory revealed in Christ. In this we can know and grow in His grace and liberty.

One important aspect of liberty is on my mind as I am preparing to return to Munich. But for now, let us join together, praying for each other to behold His Glory by His Spirit in a fresh and deeper way than ever before. Let us think on the Cross and look forward to the celebration of His glory and victory on Easter Sunday.