Friday, April 23, 2010

Lessons for the tongue

As I consider putting things behind me that are behind me, I have been reminded of the power of the tongue. About three years ago I was invited to serve in an important position. I accepted in the hope I could satisfy a long-standing desire to support people attempting to plant churches. Shortly afterwards I attended a conference for which a well-known, very knowledgable, and committed person was invited to speak. I was excited and anticipated being part of a wonderful experience in kingdom growth. The conference opened with a worship service. What I recall from the worship service was my being publicly ridiculed by a person I had never met before. The next evening I once again gave way to allowing myself to being wounded as I overheard a guest leader publicly asking what I was even doing in the room. Needless to say I did not benefit from the remainder of the conference. In fact I learned a significant lesson on the power of the tongue. I allowed these two experiences to so condition my attitude that several months later I resigned the position. The focus on my hurt did grieve the Holy Spirit. My hurt contributed to the hurt of others and denied the body of my support. Today I am grateful for the redeeming grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for I and I alone am responsible for my response to the hurt I felt.

The lessons to be learned are significant. We must understand the importance of walking in the ways of our Lord as we experience the inevitable offenses that come our way. We must remember to bless those who would curse us (Matthew 5:43-47). We must forgive others (immediately) as we ourselves are forgiven (Matthew 6:12). Failure to observe these ways of our Lord will complicate our lives and lead us to be agents of hurt in the lives of others. The greatest impact this experience has had on me is the power of the tongue. It is an example how the use of the tongue can spark a fire which will generate compromise in the lives of people and taint the witness of the gospel of Christ. It is a flame which can spread from one person to another creating hurt and compromise that no follower of Christ who spoke it would desire and could never forsee. Once again the ways of God and instruction from scripture are vitally important.

This experience has profoundly impressed the truth of James 3:1-12 on the tablet of my life. It has reminded me of the importance of the Apostle Paul's counsel in Ephesians 4:29-32. As we abide let us put that which behind us behind us. Let us reach out for the upward call in Christ Jesus as we are careful to edify each other, to be forgiving and tenderhearted toward each other, and to be mindful that we will give account of every word spoken. To do so will bless our lives, and it will ensure we do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God.