As I continue to reflect on John 15:5...
In this verse our Lord describes our preeminent need as His people and as His church. He states, "apart from me, you (meaning any individual follower or any church as a whole) can do nothing." This is a sobering thought for me. The word "nothing" arrests my attention and causes me to ask - Is there anything I can do as a disciple of Christ to be faithful apart from an abiding relationship with Christ? Here we see that Jesus' answer to the question is an imperative no.
Today I write this at a significant time of the year (especially in Minnesota). The snow has melted, the temperature is rising and now we look forward to vines or trees growing leaves and fruit. These are the evidences of new life in nature and Jesus uses these evidences to describe the healthy life of a Christian or church.
This new life is made possible by the warming of the weather, which enables the nutrient-rich sap (saft) and moisture to flow from the roots, through the stalk of the vine and into the branches of the tree. It is significant to realize that this new life is possible only because of the warmth of the season. Symbolically the spirit of life can only flow from the True Vine (Jesus) and produce life and fruit in the branches (his followers & churches) when their hearts are warm toward Him.
In this verse our Lord describes our preeminent need as His people and as His church. He states, "apart from me, you (meaning any individual follower or any church as a whole) can do nothing." This is a sobering thought for me. The word "nothing" arrests my attention and causes me to ask - Is there anything I can do as a disciple of Christ to be faithful apart from an abiding relationship with Christ? Here we see that Jesus' answer to the question is an imperative no.
Today I write this at a significant time of the year (especially in Minnesota). The snow has melted, the temperature is rising and now we look forward to vines or trees growing leaves and fruit. These are the evidences of new life in nature and Jesus uses these evidences to describe the healthy life of a Christian or church.
This new life is made possible by the warming of the weather, which enables the nutrient-rich sap (saft) and moisture to flow from the roots, through the stalk of the vine and into the branches of the tree. It is significant to realize that this new life is possible only because of the warmth of the season. Symbolically the spirit of life can only flow from the True Vine (Jesus) and produce life and fruit in the branches (his followers & churches) when their hearts are warm toward Him.
Are our hearts warm toward God?
More tomorrow....
More tomorrow....