Friday was my last day in my present position. I'm now concentrating on preparations and the transition to Munich. As I do so, this concept of abiding in Christ is very much on my mind. Knowing the imperative of maintaining an abiding relationship with our Lord, I have to ask the question as I depart: "Is my heart warm toward God?" This question is important to me because I cannot do anything apart from an abiding relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the vine to which I must be attached to produce fruit. To maintain this imperative relationship, my heart must be warm toward Him. I know from scripture and experience the things which can make my heart cold to God and thus compromise the imperative abiding relationship. Things such as unrepentant or secret sin, bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, and irreconcilable attitudes cause my heart to be cold toward my Lord. These things quench (stop) the flow of His life into mine, making it impossible for me to enjoy Him and be a branch which produces fruit.
"There is no temptation which has overtaken us except that which is common to all of us" (I Corinthians 10:13). We all run the risk of allowing our hearts to become cold toward our Lord. This is an important time in all of our lives as we continue to be excited about the new thing our Lord is doing at International Baptist Church Munich. Let us allow the Lord to examine our hearts to ensure we maintain our abiding relationship with Him. We can enjoy Him and He can produce much fruit through us as He magnifies His glory. Let us remember the wonderful lovingkindness which our Heavenly Father has toward us as He tends our hearts. Let us be warmed by His loving presence as we maintain warm hearts toward Him and all others.
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. It is a good time to prepare our hearts for the celebration of the Holy Week and our Lord's resurrection.