Hebrews 11:1 declares, "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the convictions of things not seen..." This statement provides a simple way to live life with confidence and at peace. It is by faith. Faith however is not some abstract concept, nor a logically deducted conclusion, nor is it based on a fleeting feeling . When we look at the list of the those who exercised faith in the remainder of the chapter, we are assured that faith is not founded on circumstances. Faith is centered in one's understanding of the very nature of God--to know Him in His power, in His holiness, in His steadfast loving kindness, and in His redeeming grace. Jesus said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father."
We see Jesus
We see Jesus
- in His compassion for all those who do not understand the nature of their God.
- as He calms the waters of the storms.
- as He provides for multitudes with the most meager of offerings.
- as He heals the sick.
- as He hung on a cross out of His love for us.
And we see Him in the power of His resurrection, all to glorify the Father as He redeems those who will trust in Him.
Let us hear the Lord say, "Come unto Me, learn of Me, and find rest for your souls..." (Matthew 11:25-30).
It seems to me that the first act of faith is to abide in Christ through Bible study, prayer, and submission. In this we learn of the very nature of our God, and to know Him is to trust Him. "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the convictions of things not seen..." and faith rises from knowing the Father in His Son. From this we will live according to His ways, as we serve in His strength and are fruitful for His Kingdom.
Let us abide with Christ.
Let us hear the Lord say, "Come unto Me, learn of Me, and find rest for your souls..." (Matthew 11:25-30).
It seems to me that the first act of faith is to abide in Christ through Bible study, prayer, and submission. In this we learn of the very nature of our God, and to know Him is to trust Him. "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the convictions of things not seen..." and faith rises from knowing the Father in His Son. From this we will live according to His ways, as we serve in His strength and are fruitful for His Kingdom.
Let us abide with Christ.