Acceptance is identified by most psychologists as a basic human need. Often people speak of the peer pressure which is so much of a force in the life of youth and young adults. The desire for acceptance is a force which motivates social involvements, career paths, pursuit of personal accomplishments, and desire for position. These things are pursued in order to find acceptance.
When we realize acceptance by others we can feel warmed and even secure. We find ourselves to be valued. When we do not sense an acceptance, it can give rise to all manner of resentment, bitterness, self-loathing, and depression. The desire for acceptance can be a tremendous bondage.
When a person looks to the acceptance of others for self-authentication or to feel valued, it is tempting to drink at a false well. This results in self-focus and concern. How then does a person avoid such bondage and defeat?
We look to the Cross and there realize just how much our Heavenly Father loves us. We understand his desire for us to know and enjoy relationship with Him. We find He has provided for us to be accepted unconditionally in Christ Jesus. When we come to Him we find Him to be the true well of living water. He invites all who thirst to come to Him and He will satisfy our thirst. In Him we find we are accepted and valued and discover His faithful steadfast love for us. The freedom which comes from His acceptance enables us to love others as we are loved by the Father. This is beautiful. This satisfying of our need for acceptance through our relationship to God delivers us from a self-focus. When we have a God Focus, we can accept others.
This is another "fruit" of abiding in Him - He continually enables us to live the abundant life.
Preparations for our transition to Munich are drawing to a close on this side of the ocean. We have experienced wonderful fellowship at the Northwood Church in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Through the ministry of the church, pastor, and through our small group the Lord has blessed and strengthened us for our joyful reunion with His people in Munich. Many of the members of IBC Munich have been active in preparing for us. They are graciously making preparation for our arrival, checking with the government offices to facilitate registration, visas, etc., and preparing the apartment. Our bags are packed and weighed, we have checked in for our flight, and looking forward to the trip to the airport tomorrow. These last hours are being spent calling our children, spending time with our youngest daughter , and praying that our hearts and our wills are prepared to be the shepherd our Lord would desire us to be in Munich. We are excited about our return to be with His people who are the IBC Munich.