When reading through the Bible we find times when great people of God experience days of despair, disappointment, uncertainty, and even confusion. Most people recall the experience of Elijah who, after evoking and beholding the glory of our Heavenly Father on Mount Carmel, ran to a cave in despair. When reading the Psalms of David we often find him lamenting his plight before our God. Jeremiah and so many others of the prophets of God had dark days come upon them as they faithfully served their God. We know the Apostle Paul describes such an experience in his life in First Corinthians 1:8-11, and then he affirms dark days are experienced by most believers who faithfully serve the Lord in chapter 4, verses 7-9 of the same letter. Perhaps we can empathize with these experiences as we seek to live faithfully in Christ Jesus.
I was experiencing one such day recently. It seemed that concern for the future, obstacles to growth in the church’s ministry, and the grief expressed by some of the Lord's children over wrong attitudes and spirits they have experienced over the years from some who profess to be followers of Christ all seemed to coalesce to shroud my day in a dark cloud of despair. Of course such dark days are not pleasant for me, nor do I suppose them to be appreciated by others, but this day was a day of wonderful opportunity. It was in fact an opportunity to meet the Lord’s angels of light and experience His grace through them.
I encountered the first angel of light as I was seated with a fellow pastor and wonderful brother in Christ. He was sharing out of a pastor’s heart of care and concern for his people and the ministry the Lord had placed him in. He shared from his experience, but was speaking into my life words of encouragement and comfort which strengthened my soul.
After a time of wonderful fellowship and prayer I next found myself standing with a young man who was himself seeking to find how he might be faithful to His Lord. As we were speaking together the Spirit of God began to impress upon me the wonderful privilege afforded me. Here I was standing in a beautiful church building, speaking to a young believer who was a member of another church, and from a totally different cultural background half a world away. It was a moment of a marvelous and humbling reality. The question which came to my mind was: Who am I to deserve such a privilege as this? It was a moment of encounter with an angel of light further dispelling the darkness which seemed to have shrouded my day.
Then I went to a time of small group prayer. A wonderful brother of Christ came in to the small group and began to speak to another person about the song which was on his heart as he awoke that morning. It was to “give the sacrifice of praise unto the Lord.” It called to mind Hebrews 13, and as I turned to read this wonderful chapter, the Spirit of God spoke through the Word of God to shatter the darkness, dispel the cloud, and totally remove any remnant of the shroud of darkness as I realized anew our Lord's power and His presence. I was strengthened and renewed in joy as I heard my Lord call me once again to His side, instruct me from His hope, and pour His abundant grace out upon me. Truly I wonder, who is deserving of such a love and such marvelous grace?
In days of darkness we cannot seem to see the Light—yet the Light sees us and sends His angels of light. Through them He pours out immeasurable grace upon grace. How many times have we encountered His angels of light and missed them? How many times could we be angels of light in others lives but allow our busyness to keep us from it?
Let us abide so we might know His grace in the darkest of days, as He ministries through His angels of light.